Yoga Therapy Course Inauguration

Diploma in Yoga Therapy Inauguration
by Guruji, Dr. H.R.Nagendra, Vice Chancellor, SVYASA University, Bangalore
Yoga Bharati Press Release Sep 01, 2010

[Diploma_2010_Inauguration] The evening of September 01, 2010 saw the gathering of very enthusiastic Yoga Bharati instructors from various batches. The goal of the evening was the Diploma Program inauguration and an alumnus meet.

It got off to a great start with Guruji sharing his experience of how he was able to overcome a situation where he had a slip disc. He went on to explain how when stuck in Canada, he was completely paralyzed by a slip disc. With excruciating pain, Guruji began applying all the techniques of Pranayama and relaxation to the area of injury down to the tissue level. After a rigorous practice of about 10 hours, he was able to completely sit up and walk around.

He quoted the above example as he explained how each of the teachers should utilize and experiment with the techniques themselves and how powerful these could be in really addressing the root of the common ailments we see in our everyday lives.

This was followed by an extended period of Q&A session, where each of the participants shared their own experiences, clarified their areas of confusion and sought advice on various problems faced by them both through personal practice and in a class setting.

Guruji also took the time to highlight the Diploma/Certification Program on Yoga Wellness. He congratulated all those that had made the decision to avail the benefits of the wonderful program. The highlights of the program were the flexibility and how each of the students could pace their learning to suit their individual life styles without compromising on the quality and their passion to achieve the knowledge they seek in the area. The course ensures that various modules are completed in time by conducting exams at various points along the way. This also helps the student to keep pace without losing sight of the end goal.

Various other subtle points of the course were patiently explained by both Guruji and Ashwini Surpur, who is heading the Therapy program of Yoga Bharati. The fact that the course was based on a credit system was very well received by the participating students and also students considering taking it.

The Diploma program was also formally inaugurated by the lighting of the lamp and MOU signing by Guruji Dr.H.R.Nagendra, the Vice Chancellor of SVYASA, Bengaluru and the President of Yoga Bharati Anil Surpur.

Ashwini Surpur, Director of Yoga Therapy Education announced another upcoming event – Intensive three days Yoga Workshop with Dr. Nagarathna beginning September 17th to 19th. This, she said will also be the beginning of the Diploma course. It was wonderful to know that people are encouraged to join just the workshop without registering for the entire course (Pre-requisite is YICC). 

As the evening drew to a close, it was very clear that the participants were very excited about the new Program being launched! Everyone felt that there was now an opportunity and an avenue for them to pursue their own Sadhana along with enhancing their knowledge on yoga and its applications.