Surya Namaskar Study Pilot Initiative

Suryanamaskar Yajna 2013 – Pilot Research Initiative

Yoga Bharati conducts Suryanamaskar Yajna every year from New Year to Ratha Saptami – usually for a duration of 6 weeks and this year, we are conducting research to showcase the benefits of Suryanamaskar. We conducted an informal pilot study on the effects of Surya Namaskar practice for 6 weeks.

Goals and Objectives

The main goal of Suryanamaskar Yagna is Yoga Awareness and spreading the wealth of yoga and Surynamaskar in the community. In addition:

  • Publish population and cohort studies towards bringing greater awareness about health benefits of yoga to the community.
  • Build interest in the community about scientific approach to ancient sciences and to look at yoga in a new light
  • Contribute in creating yoga as an evidence-based science so that yoga will be looked up as a preventative and complementary health care by governments and healthcare industry.


What is the Study?
Simple: You will begin Suryanamaskars on Jan 1st and end on Feb 17th and practice everyday a pre-determined set of Suryanamaskars (10 count)

Volunteers who are committed to yoga and health and would like to showcase the benefits to the community will be a part of this group. We will do some tests and have you answer some questionnaire in the beginning(before Jan 1st) and at the end of the yagna (after Feb 17th). You will enter daily log of your diet and your activity including the number of Suryanamaskar cycles you performed that day. No special diet will be recommended. Your physical activity will consist of a pre-determined set of Suryanamaskar performed in a specified time period.

You will practice a pre-determined set of Suryanamaskar followed by relaxation in loosened standing pose until the breat and heart rate comes to normal. This should be followed by 2 mins of Shavasana (Supine Resting Pose). The style of Suryanamaskar is fixed for the study. Please note that you need to strictly adhere to this style for us to be able to demonstrate the benefits in a scientific manner. Follow the below two links to find out the instructions and youtube video to practice along.
Instructions (Yoga Bharati):

Note: Please note that if you are new to Suryanamaskar practice, Yoga Bharati will be happy to teach you. Please contact us and we will be able to point you to the classes/workshops near your area.

Broad Idea about the tests conducted:
Parameters to be collected at the beginning and end. All data is kept confidential.
Teachers or Physical Therapists would collect the parameters. Alternatively you could ask your partners/family/friends to help with tests. We will explain and help you with the tests and questionnaire.

    • Height, Weight, BMI, Waist, Hip, Mid-arm, Mid-thigh, Mid-Calf circumference
    • Breath Holding Time, Bhramari Time & Respiratory Rate. Also Pulse rate & Blood Pressure for your ownpersonal assessment
    • Questionnaire to measure your Rajas/Tamas/Satva Score and Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) , SF 36 questionnaire, personality tests, etc
    • Other parameters – Sugar if diabetic, thyroid levels if they have thyroid condition etc.